Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म
kárma (help·info), kárman- "act, action, performance"[1]; Pali: kamma) in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist[2] philosophies.
'Karma' is an Eastern religious concept in contradistinction to 'faith' espoused by Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), which view all human dramas as the will of God as opposed to present - and past - life actions. In theistic schools of Hinduism, humans have free will to choose good or evil and suffer the consequences, which require the will of God to implement karma's consequences, unlike Buddhism or Jainism which do not accord any role to a supreme God or gods. In Eastern beliefs, the karmic effects of all deeds are viewed as actively shaping past, present, and future experiences. The results or 'fruits' of actions are called karma-phala.[3]
And from my understanding of challenges from God:
In Christians belief, God often give them challenges. Unless they're able to learn something from and "pass" the challenge, then it'll never come back to back. If not, God will keep giving them this challenge back in any ways till they "pass".
Back on track, I'm like a mood swing girl. Nothing seem to satisfy me this few days. I can't even smile till the end of the day and often always spoil the mood of people meeting me when my mood swing period for that day is about to reach.
The problem is, I feel so pressurized once again. And yes, regarding boyfriend's parents AGAIN! I really have no freaking idea how to deal with it. And it's pure irritating sometimes. Okay, sad to say, not that I don't want to impress them or whatever, but I don't know how AT ALL! Sometimes, I just feel that I didn't step on their tail or what, but I'm like being treated like I own them a living by dating their son. Why can't they just put home matters aside when I'm around? I'm still considered a guest right? Is tiring, even when boyfriend doesn't find it tiring/ irritating at all, I just don't like it. It just totally reminds me of the past family problems. And I don't like to think of it! It suck big time to be reminded of him!!
And gosh! When the hell can I get my December '09 plus January '10 salary. Ni zhu mu, ME really farking cheebye broke already. Continue dragging how I celebrate my purple Valentine Day and my 21st Birthday Bash?? TELL ME!!!!! Ang bao money take already also become belated purple Valentine Day already.
I think I've ranted enough for now. Back to my IOM assignment. (zzz..)
Till then,