Halloween Night.
I've started another job. Part time too, but they are paying so much better. Can't spell much, cause I'm not suppose to spill any words about this job. Anyway, I'm loving it. Of cos, I'm with my honey into this AGAIN!
I haven't quit TCC. But because of the second job, I had a No Call No Show record for once. I know they're kinna pissed. Cause I haven't een performing much. I guess I have lost interest about bring a part of TCC already. Everything haven't been going the right way eversince PZ is down and everyone left. I really just want to resign and go. I just feel kind of I don't care anymore for this company. Is not paying me good money, I never understand why don't they see my passion of being a barista. There are always people stepping out to stop me. FUCK YOU!
Been very very broke. So, I can't meet up friends whom I've long wanted to meet. I could only stay with honey, since he knows the best way to cut me from spending. I'm very sticky to him now, so don't separate us.
I'm having very lousy mood this few weeks. I'm having troubles about one of my family members. I'm getting really tired about whatever that has and is happening. Please... Give me a BREAK!
Seriously, I believe that everyone who had their life path cross over mine for once. Those who were my friends once, my enemies once. Our life has continue from wherever it has stop without you or me. I've never believe the sentence "once a friend, always a friend" I've my lessons before. You may had it or not. Think that you understand me? Think twice. My life continue with or without you. I won't stop just because of you. Care or don't care, I don't care too. Think about this, breaking one and another promises, what good does it do to you and me?
I've been very helpless nowadays. Where are you? I've understand, my misery goes on with or without your comfort. I'll have to grow up, with or without your support. I can't always go on the flow with you, because I have my thinking too. Friend or not, think properly.
Anyway, I've just realize that I've missed out one guy birthday. I'm really sorry..
By the way,
Happy "20th" Birthday, Bob!